Saturday, December 12, 2015

Week 11

$100 Challenge

I was out to lunch with a big group of people this week and someone asked if they could order more cookie dough from me! I was so excited! Even though I’ve officially ended my project, I’m still going to make her some because I want to be able to donate as much as possible, since I had leftover ingredients. The survey I sent out to those who’ve baked my cookies was a success…and not. Everyone liked them…but I didn’t get any helpful feedback. Maybe it’s a problem with my questions. 

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Week 11

Lessons Learned
I found the case studies to be very interesting this week, especially the one on the dry-cleaning business. The lesson that stood out to me was that of doing research before getting into a business. These people went so far as to actually get jobs working at a dry cleaner for $6 an hour. They were both Harvard Business school graduates and could have gotten a much better job while they researched what business they wanted to go into. I want to always remember that you’re never too good for any job. Whether you’re doing research for a future business, or if you’re just trying to make ends meet, you should never think too highly of yourself that you can’t work in a lower job. There are lessons to be learned in every situation.

$100 Challenge

I’ve officially finished my business! I’ve learned so much, and want to continue doing these mini businesses throughout my life. I delivered my last orders and spent so many hours making and rolling balls of dough (totaling 350 balls). The good news is-I’m not sick of baking…yet! I’ve learned that I find baking very relaxing and I look forward to selling them to people. I did get lots of feedback from these cookies, and it’s mostly all great! One person did say she burnt them because they spread out too thin…but no one else had that problem. Anyway, I made a few alterations to the recipe and it’s even better. The decision to alter the recipe was very hard because I didn’t want people to get confused about what they were buying, especially repeated customers. I haven’t had any feedback with the new recipe, but I’ll give them a chance to bake them.