Saturday, January 18, 2014

Week 1

It is rare that I have such an inspiring week of lessons as I did this week. In Randy Haykin: The Making of an Entrepreneur, he talked briefly about failing and how it is inevitable. The e-corner video, Treat Life As an Experiment also talked about “fail forward” and learning from your mistakes. This week I have made a huge mistake that has definitely taught me a lot about myself and this class. Being the first real week of classes, I decided to do all of my homework for my Entrepreneurial Journey class on Saturday, today, which it is all due. I really cheated myself. Even though I did take the time to read and watch everything, I didn’t have a chance to ponder the material throughout the week. I seriously regret this because I fell in love with every video and article that I read, and I was so rushed that I couldn’t fully enjoy the things that I was learning. So my first lesson: Leave time to enjoy and ponder the lessons of my own entrepreneurial journey.
As I stated, everything was such an inspiration to me this week. But I feel that I got the most from, “What is your Calling in Life?" - BYU Devotional by Jeffery Thompson. I realized that I should look out for my calling in life, and make whatever calling I hold, the calling of my life. Everyone always says, “Don’t get a job for money”, but I never believed that it could be that easy. We live in a world where we need money. But after this speech, I truly believe that can be happy, successful and well-off if we do what we love and trust in Heavenly Father.

I have a new favorite quote by Randy Pausch, “The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other people.” What an inspiration! I hope to never forget this quote. I’m pretty sure that I am going to frame this. This has taught me to change my perspective about what I can and cannot do. No one is trying to stop me from getting that perfect job, or getting into the best school, they are trying to stop everyone else who don’t want it badly enough.

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