Saturday, October 17, 2015

Lesson 4

I thoroughly enjoyed Elder Wirthlin’s talk, “Earthly Debts, Heavenly Debts”. He talked about how we should pay our tithing before anything else. Maybe it’s because I’ve never started a company of my own, but I had never thought of tithing as being a part of business. It made me ponder about where and when it should come into place. I decided that we should pay tithing on all revenue that comes in, even if you’re putting that money back into the business. I don’t know it there are any church guidelines or not, but I’ll just go with that. He ended with saying how we should teach our children to use money wisely. Since I am a new mother, this was a great message. I thought that it would be nice to always teach my children about business and finances by having them create their own. We could do simple lemonade stands, growing and selling our own vegetables, and things like that. This would teach them about business and how money should be valued.

I can’t believe that I’ve already changed my $100 challenge business idea! While I initially decided to create and sell canvas art (transferring photos onto canvas), I decided that I wanted something that I could scale and grow. With canvas, each project would be unique and take many hours of my time (which I don’t exactly have due to my precious newborn baby, school, work, and basic household duties). Instead, I’ve opted to create a frozen goods line. I’m going to sell frozen, pre-shaped cookie dough and frozen pre-made brownies and cake that just needs to be thawed and enjoyed. 

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