I cannot believe how perfect Muhammad Yunus’ article, “Microlending:
toward a poverty free world” was for me. Everything he said applied to me
personally and I know that I will be able to incorporate his ideas into my
future business. My whole business idea revolves around loaning less fortunate
people money to help them create their business, like Kiva. With the input from
Muhammad, I feel like my idea is becoming stronger and worth all of my effort. Sheryl
Sandberg’s video “Make it Personal and Make it Work” was so insightful. What I took
from her video is that I should always remember and stand by my visions. It is
important to have a vision that is good for the present day, but also something
that will stand the test of time. It made me think that if I did have an idea
that wouldn’t work for the future, I probably shouldn’t do it or continually
evolve it (which we should do anyway).
I need to include these quotes by Muhammad so that I don’t
forget them:
“An individual’s social consciousness and the urge to do
good things for people on this planet can be as burning and even a more burning
desire than personal gain.”
“I strongly believe that we can create a poverty free world
if we want to. We can create a world where there won’t be a single human being
who may be described as a poor person. In that kind of a world the only place
you could see poverty would be in the museums. School children on tour in the
poverty museums would be horrified to see the misery and indignity of human
beings in the past. They would blame their ancestors in a massive way for
allowing this inhuman condition to continue.”
”Don’t give up dreaming. Be a dreamer. And keep on trying to
make the dream come true. Dream about the world you would like to have. If we
all dream about a better world, I can guarantee you that we will create a
better world.”
“I simply wish to encourage all of you to remember:
irrespective of what you learn in school always be ready to unlearn and