Friday, March 21, 2014

Week 10

This week we read the article Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. “The secret is that most of us are already quite happy.” I love this quote because it reminded me to be thankful for my present life and to not always look toward the future for my happiness. We all have the choice to be happy in this very moment. “Giving your time and your money to another human being is one of the most powerful ways to develop your own sense of gratitude.” This quote makes me thankful for the guidance we receive from our prophets today. We are constantly told that if we want to be happier, we should go serve someone. This advice perfectly corresponds with what the article taught us. I have a testimony that service is the cure to being unhappy and not loving someone as much as we should. “You finally will see that it’s only by losing yourself in a quest to serve others that you find your true self.” I’d like to always remember this guidance: “’How can I be happy?’ is the wrong question. ‘How can I create something meaningful for others?’ is the right question because it helps others and will change you in a profound way.” I also really enjoyed the e-corner videos about balancing our lives with work and family. I think that this is one of the most important things we should learn in this life in order to become truly successful-both financially and personally. 

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